Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Searching for God like it actually matters

Do I read and study the Bible, and pray, and listen to sermons as though these things will transform me? Or do I go through the motions passively, just waiting for something to happen?

Unfortunately, all too often I read passively and just figure that the cumulative effect will somehow make a difference. And perhaps it will. And of course God can work in great ways even without my effort. And yet…

“If you seek [wisdom, insight, and understanding] like silver, and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity.” (Prov. 2:4-7, ESV)

Solomon says that the fact that God gives wisdom is the very reason that we should diligently seek it. We give up so much in order to find money. We sacrifice greatly to find hidden treasure of various kinds. That’s how we should search for wisdom. Do I?

Each time I open the Bible, I should search diligently. I should bring all of myself to it and place myself next to the best I can understand of it. I should be fervently asking, "What wisdom do I need? How is my thinking not like God’s thinking? How are my affections unlike His?" Not because I ought to, but because, according to Solomon, that is where and how the springs of life will become mine!

Of course, the hope is not that this is simply a human endeavor. Clearly the power to bring about real change and real hope is the Spirit of God using the Word of God to do a work in me. And, according to Solomon, that is the very reason to search the Word diligently!

Of course there are many techniques for prayer, and many strategies for personal Bible reading, and many styles of preaching, but the underlying approach is the same: God is the source of wisdom and insight and understanding; therefore, I search diligently and deeply pursue it from Him through His Word!

Once I settle this underlying thinking, then it is significant to explore the possible strategies, trying different things, learning from people further down the road in this journey of seeking after God. Until I settle it, the techniques are unlikely to be very helpful. Once I settle that, many techniques could be very fruitful.

Father, forgive my laziness. Please change my heart to be like Solomon described, seeking you like someone searching for buried treasure, being confident that in you and your word, I will find life-giving wisdom, insight, and understanding!